Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Schedule This Week

Hi Parents/Coaches,

First of all I want thank all the parents for their patience last weekend with the tournament. We got back Friday night about an hour later than I had planned. But I was very happy with our third place team finish.

This week we have two events. Tomorrow we have our home dual vs Skyline. Tomorrow no practice after school. I just need all the wrestlers in the wrestling room to prep for weigh ins at 3:30pm. I expect managers to help setup at about 4:00pm in the main gym. JV and Extras start at 5:00 and Varsity starts between 6:30 and 7:00pm.

On Friday we have a tournament at Juab High School in Nephi. We leave our high school at 9:00am. All wrestlers (V, JV, Extras) are expected to come to this tournament. I need to know if anyone cannot go. I am going to call wrestlers and managers out at 8:30am and have them meet in the wrestling room. Below is the Varsity Match schedule:

1:00pm WL vs Payson
2:30pm WL vs Altamont
5:30pm WL vs Manti
7:00pm WL vs Independent Team
Weigh Ins 7:30-10:00pm

4:00pm Friday: Start JV Matches in Jr High
8:00am Saturday: Continue JV Matches

We will weigh in as soon as we finish our match vs the Independents and hopefully return home at a decent hour. I'm hoping we back to Westlake between 9:30-10:30pm. I need all the wrestlers to meet at 5:45 on Saturday morning. The bus will be leaving at 6:00am on Saturday. I someone isn't there, we will leave them! Wrestling should end around 6:30. We should be back at the high school before 8:00pm.

Remember all matches thus far are posted on our website: Go to the "Video" team. Click on the High School, then 2011-2012 season and you can choose which event to watch.

Let me know if you have any question or concerns.


Coach Cody